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One of our brothers in Italy conducts a Bible study

MARCH 26, 2020

The Worldwide Brotherhood Uses Innovative Preaching Methods as Pandemic Continues

The Worldwide Brotherhood Uses Innovative Preaching Methods as Pandemic Continues

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses who strive to follow the direction of local authorities while maintaining their theocratic routine. In branch territories acutely affected by the virus, our brothers and sisters are using creative methods to continue their ministry.

One brother in Pisa, Italy, noted: “We are having an absolutely extraordinary ministry! Since many people are at home, my wife and I went through the list of contacts in our phones and arranged videoconferences. We have so many Bible studies and return visits, new ones or ones we have spoken to before, that we are able to spend many hours in the ministry with positive results.”

In South Korea, the crisis has moved publishers to use features of our website and the JW Library app more frequently. For example, one brother unexpectedly received a text message from a former Bible student who had discontinued his study three years before. The Bible student revealed that the health crisis had made him contemplate the sign of the last days. The brother was able to use the “Share Link” feature on the JW Library app to send relevant information to the former Bible student via text messaging. The brother explains that it has been “encouraging to see that this evidence of the sign of the last days has awakened the spiritual need of many people.”

The many reports coming in from branches around the world prove that our brothers and sisters value their ministry. It is wonderful to see how they are using “practical wisdom” to continue sharing the good news.—Micah 6:9.


A circuit overseer conducts a meeting for field service in Puerto Rico

Pioneer sisters in Germany write letters together while videoconferencing

A Bible study being conducted in South Korea

A couple in France participate in telephone witnessing

A sister and her son letter writing in Hawaii