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How to Help After a Disaster

How to Help After a Disaster

Natural disasters are becoming more and more common today. When a disaster strikes, efforts to provide relief need to be well-organized and coordinated efficiently. To that end, the Governing Body has arranged for a Disaster Relief Department to be set up in every branch office.

When the brothers in that department learn of a disaster, they immediately contact the local elders to find out what help the publishers will need. If the damage is more extensive than the local publishers can handle themselves, the branch will assign qualified brothers to take the lead in the relief work. Those brothers may ask for volunteers or for donations of specific items, or they may purchase and distribute needed supplies locally.

There are many advantages to handling matters this way. It avoids duplication of effort, confusion, and waste of funds and materials, which can result when brothers act on their own initiative.

The brothers appointed by the branch can determine how much money and how many volunteers will be needed in the relief effort. They can also get acquainted with the local officials, who can often help us to expedite our relief efforts. So individuals should not take the initiative to collect funds, send relief supplies, or travel to the affected area unless they are asked to do so.

Still, when disaster strikes, we want to help. (Heb 13:16) We love our brothers! What can we do? Most important, we can pray for the victims of the disaster and for those providing relief. We can also donate funds through the worldwide work. Under the direction of the Governing Body, branch offices are in the best position to determine where these funds will do the most good. And if we wish to get involved personally, we can indicate that we are available by filling out the Local Design/​Construction Volunteer Application (DC-50).


What impresses you about the relief efforts of Jehovah’s Witnesses after the flooding in Brazil in 2020?