Yì hosọ lẹ ji

Be Jiwheyẹwhe Wẹ Mí Na Dowhẹ Na Yajiji Mítọn Ya?

Be Jiwheyẹwhe Wẹ Mí Na Dowhẹ Na Yajiji Mítọn Ya?

Gblọndo Biblu tọn

 Biblu na gblọndo madoadúdẹji dọ lala! Yajiji ma tin to lẹndai Jehovah Jiwheyẹwhe tọn mẹ na gbẹtọvi lẹ. Ṣigba, asu po asi po tintan lọ ṣiatẹ sọta gandudu Jiwheyẹwhe tọn bo basi nudide nado ze nujinọtedo yetọn titi lẹ dai gando dagbe po oylan po go. Yé jo Jiwheyẹwhe do bo jiya kọdetọn lọ lẹ tọn.

 To egbehe, mí to oyà kọdetọn nudide ylankan yetọn tọn lẹ tọn ji. Ṣigba, Jiwheyẹwhe ma yin asisa yajiji gbẹtọvi lẹ tọn to aliho depope mẹ.

 Biblu dọmọ: “To whenuena mẹde tin to whlepọn glọ, mì dike e dọ dọ: “Jiwheyẹwhe wẹ to whiwhle mi pọ́n” blo. Na Jiwheyẹwhe ma sọgan yin whiwhlepọn po nuylankan lẹ po, mọjanwẹ ewọ lọsu ma nọ whlé mẹdepope pọ́n to aliho enẹ mẹ.” (Jakọbu 1:13) Mẹdepope wẹ sọgan jiya​—etlẹ yin mẹhe tindo nukundagbe Jiwheyẹwhe tọn lẹ.